Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland

Civil & Spiritual Government Records
The Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland is a fully descriptive summary of the original archives and records of the British Government relating to Ireland. Many original documents summarized in this work were destroyed during the 1922 fire of the Public Record Office in the Four Courts Building in Dublin, though other documents were stored elsewhere. The calendars are published as volumes organized by date and by monarch and summarize primarily the correspondence between representatives of the British government in Ireland, the secretaries and counselors serving the monarch in London, and some Irish inhabitants seeking favors or justice from the British crown. These summaries or calendars have been digitized and are available at archive.org, while the remaining original records they refer to may be viewed for a fee online at nationalarchives.gov.uk.
[Vol. 1] 1509-1573
Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland, of the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth (by Great Britain's Public Record Office)
O'Docartaid, Dominus, 176 (https://archive.org/details/calendarireland01greauoft/page/176)
1561 July 16. Camp by Raskeagh.
22. Lord Lieutenant and Council to the Queen... Inclose,
22. V. Shane O'Neill to the Lord Lieutenant Sussex. He wonders that his Lordship will put the Queen to unnecessary expense in waging war against him. He will ask no peace nor truce while the soldiers remain at Armagh. He desires that his messenger and letters may be forwarded to the Queen's presence. July 1. Latin.
22. VI. The same to the same. Has received his letters, by which he learns that his Lordship does not desire to send him, or his messenger to the presence of the Queen with his answer. He will not come into his Lordship's presence till he has seen the Queen, because many lords and gentlemen have been slain and tortured in his time, as, Dominus McMurcha, Dominus O'Briain et frater ejus Datheus O'Briain, Dominus O'Docartaid, Donatus Oconcubair, Ronaldus Sawis, Conall O' Morra and many other of the O' Mores; Ros M'Cyun Iconcubair and many other gentlemen. If Sussex will withdraw the soldiers from his country, he will do his best diligence to come before the Queen. This letter to be showed to the Council. From his Camp in his woods. July 4. Latin.
O'Dogherty, Lord of Inishowen, 319 (https://archive.org/details/calendarireland01greauoft/page/319)
1566 Nov. 23. Dublin.
57. Thomas Lancaster to same. Short narrative of the journey into Ulster. The castle of Roscommon is very meet for the Lord Deputy to occupy occasionally. Encounter of the Colonel Randolfe with Shane O'Neill. 400 of Shane's men slain, besides such as O'Dogherty slew. The Colonel the only man slain on the English side. Successes against O'Neill on the 13th and 16th of October, for which three have been knighted by Sydney. Captain Pers hath taken great prey in Claneboy. O'Donnell is said to be in O'Neill's country with power.
O'Dogherty, Lord of Inishowen, 350 (https://archive.org/details/calendarireland01greauoft/page/350)
1567 Nov. 26. "Casleain ns fyne" Castle Finn.
27. Con O'Donaill to the Lords Justices. Complains that O'Donnell has given up his land called Cinel Moayn to Turlough Lynagh; that he will not make restitution. Desires to be exalted to his due honours. Desires them to write to Mac Sweeny, O'Boyle, O'Dogherty, and Maguire to aid him. Desires to be absolved from obedience to O'Donnell. Munition. Latin.
O'Dogherty, Lord of Inishowen, 518 (https://archive.org/details/calendarireland01greauoft/page/518)
1573 July 18. Kells.
86. John Smythe of the Arde to Lord Burghley. Con O'Donnell is desirous to see the Queen's Majesty ; he needs no interpreter by reason of his good bringing up with Sir Thomas Cusake. Sir Hugh O'Donnell. To plant the Raghlin Island with English. O'Dogherty, Lord of Inishowen, is now in Scotland with the Earl of Argyle. Turlough Lynagh.
[Not Published] Jan-Mar 1601 | Number 127
Handwritten Notes by Sir Henry Dockwra (Not published in the standard edition of the State Papers). Texts below are used for research purposes only and are courtesy of Clan McLaughlin Society's McLaughlin of Dún na nGall site maintained by John D. Mclaughlin of St. Louis, MO. Visit clanmaclochlainn.com to view and learn more about his work.
"The country of Enishowen is divided into three parts, viz.
Slught Brian
Slught Donnell"
"The people are divided into septs... The chief septs are these:
Sliocht Brian (the chief thereof is commonly chosen O Dohirty)
Sliocht Donnell (Whereof at this time is chief Hugh Boy mc Cahir)
Sliocht Brasleigh (whereof is chief Neale Oge)
Sliocht Shane (whereof is chief Neale Crone)
Sliocht Phelim (whereof is chief Shane mac Feradaigh)
Sliocht Rossa (wherof is chief Feradiagh mac Cahir)"
"The Other Septs are these four following who though they be hold but last as .... or .... where the others are Lords of senior noble blood as their leaders yet they are greater in power and wealth than many of the others and of them are commonly chosen counselors and officers to the Lord who holds them in great dignity.
Clan Davids (whereof is chief Hugh Boy)
Clan Laughlins (whereof is chief Brian Ogge)
Clan Allens (whereof is chief Donal Ogge)
Muinter Brallohan (whereof is chief Conner Moder)"