New Castle or Greencastle
History of New Castle
New Castle (also known as Greencastle or Northburgh Castle) was a Norman castle built in 1305 by the de Burgh family, the Earls of Ulster. Around 1333 the de Burgh family lost power and New Castle became an Ó Dochartaigh stronghold for over three centuries following. O'Clery mentions a group of Ó Dochartaighs living at New Castle in the mid-1600s.
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Drone footage & history of Northburg Castle by Peter Homer 2015.
Other Resources to Check out
Greencastle on Wikipedia.
Monument Information
The archaeological site at Greencastle in Eleven Ballyboes Townland consists of the castle (National Monument Service RMP# DG022-003----), it's upper ward (RMP# DG022-003001-), and bawn (RMP# DG022-003001-). View more information at Historic Environment Viewer and County Donegal.
Visit Greencastle!
Physical Location: 7 The Fort Holiday Homes, Eleven Ballyboes, Greencastle, Co. Donegal, Ireland